Logo Grupo Flipper

Mission and Vision of Grupo Flipper


Develop customized logistics solutions for the international market, offering innovative and excellent services, with agility, security and reduced costs, through trained, committed and proactive employees.


To be a reference in the provision of services to Foreign Trade in the most representative locations for international logistics, maintaining balanced financial health and happy employees, serving its customers with excellence and providing possibilities to reduce its costs.

Our Values


Meet the agreement with customers, offering our expertise, security and continuity in the provision of services.


Maintain high moral values ​​in external and internal relations.


Respond promptly to customer demands, providing services quickly and providing effective results.


Provide services with high quality, flexibility and professionalism.

Financial compliance

To act in a transparent manner, maintaining frank and fruitful commercial relations, as well as in its internal operations.


To act in a transparent manner, maintaining frank and fruitful commercial relations, as well as in its internal operations.

Valuing the Human Being

Maintain a good organizational climate, through trained employees, recognized for their meritocracy, with adequate benefits and balanced managers regarding the assessment of the functional and behavioral aspects of the team.


Creating new logistics solutions that adhere to customer demands is a premise for conducting services.