Logo Grupo Flipper


Develop innovative, creative solutions suited to customer needs, investing in the professional training of its employees and in high technology


Provide a safe environment for employees, suppliers and partners, through risk management programs that establish rules and standards for protection: occupational (PGR), operational (OAS/Cargo Insurance) and informational (LGPD-communication and data)


Defend the conscious use of natural resources, encourage actions to preserve the environment and sustainability, and conduct the operations of its customers and partners, encouraging actions that avoid harm to the environment.


Ensure a safe, productive and healthy environment for our employees through occupational health control and monitoring programs, maintaining legal and corporate benefits that aim to promote well-being, quality of life and reduce vulnerability and health risks

Social responsability

Promote sustainable development, respect for diversity and the search for reducing social inequalities through non-discriminatory actions, conscious information, training and training, volunteering and monitored donations.


Provide precise guidance on the Ethics and Conduct practices that must be adopted and implemented in the routines and procedures related to the business activity carried out by the Flipper Group


Maintain actions to prevent, detect, correct or even punish possible violations, whether these of a personal nature or towards third parties, in a public or private context, considering: offering, requesting or accepting bribes of any kind as unacceptable practices for this company