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What are the main International Agreements for Brazil?

Acordos internacionais

Brazil is an extremely important country for international trade and therefore has many agreements that facilitate imports and exports to various countries.

According to Siscomex, trade agreements are necessary to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the Brazilian economy and thus guarantee the sustainability of the economic growth of the country.

We should see trade agreements as “breaking down barriers” that facilitate international trade between Brazil and economically important countries and regions in the world.

Thus, the foreign market sees us as a place more willing to receive new investments and, with this, a series of advantages for us, such as new technologies, modernization of production processes and, above all, competitiveness.

From among the agreements Brazil has with Latin American countries, we can highlight the best known, Mercosur (Southern Common Market), which not only facilitates operations between member countries, but also opens doors between them and other countries and regions, such as the USA and the European Union.

Here are some of the Latin American multilateral agreements to which Brazil belongs:

  • Southern Common Market (Mercosur)
  • Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
  • The Economic Complementation Agreement (ACE)
  • Investment Co-operation and Facilitation Agreements (ACFI)
  • Partial Reach Agreement (PRA)
  • Regional Tariff Preference Agreement (APTR)
  • Agreement for the Liberation and Expansion of Intra-Regional Trade in Seeds (Seed Agreement)
  • Cultural Goods Agreement between ALADI countries (AR)

Among the multilateral agreements covering Latin America and other regions, Brazil participates in the following agreements:

  • Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA)
  • Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

There are still bilateral agreements, which are made between Brazil and a single other nation. Some of these countries are: Germany, Portugal, Canada, Belgium, Korea, USA, Greece and Italy.

You can consult all the International Agreements current in Brazil and their main characteristics at https://www.gov.br/trabalho-e-previdencia/pt-br/assuntos/acordos-internacionais/acordos-internacionais or contact us to find out how Flipper can help your company carry out import and export processes in a simple and fast way.
